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The logging profession is an essential link between Missouri woodlands and the forest products industry. Along with landowners and foresters, loggers are partners in managing our forests for wood, water, wildlife and recreation. Missouri’s forests are capable of sustaining these resources if properly managed. As science and knowledge of the logging industry and forests and soils increases, educational training offers a way for professionals to keep up-to-date. 

The Professional Timber Harvester (PTH) training is based on a training program which is widely acknowledged as the premier timber harvesting training program in the country, offering hands-on training emphasizing safety and sustainable timber harvesting. Missouri’s PTH training is affiliated with Safety and Woods Worker (SAWW).


Since the program was implemented in 1997, almost a thousand people have completed the training, with most maintaining the certification by completing annual continuing education.


The training is offered to professional loggers, foresters, college students, forest landowners and utility workers. This is not a beginners’ class, some previous chainsaw experience is required. If you don’t have experience you are welcome to sit through the class and not participate in the hands-on cutting exercises. You will still be expected to register.

Costs for PTH Certification

There is a one-time Registration Fee of $155 (MFPA member) or $175 (non-member) $250 (out of state)

After the registration fee is paid, the only cost is for annual continuing education. These fees generally range from $0-$150 depending on the topic, instructor and material costs.

Maintaining PTH Certification

Annual continuing education (CE) is required to maintain the certification. We strive to offer meaningful and interesting continuing education classes. To achieve this we partner with other organizations providing workshops and training related to the logging profession. Topics such as first-aid, forest management, wildlife management and business skills training are all useful to those in the logging industry. If you want to attend an event that you feel is worthy of CE please contact us beforehand. State agencies like the Missouri Department of Conservation or the University of Missouri Extension put on a variety of programs. Additionally, other groups like the Missouri Tree Farm Program or the National Wild Turkey Federation often provide workshops.

Additional Opportunities for Attaining CE Credits

  • PTH Training Classes
  • DVD Home Study
  • Online PTH Classes
  • Partner’s workshops