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A. R. Wishon
Merritt's Sawmill, Inc.
186 East Highway 8
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: (573) 775-2056
Fax: (573) 775-4857
Email: sawmill186@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Flooring, Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Railroad Ties

Aaron Hovis
Hovis, Aaron
5047 Highway A
Marquand MO, 63655
Phone: 573-944-0436
Email: jhovis95@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Logger

Aaron Ruotsala
BioSource Corp
E 5459 Hannu Road
Ironwood MI, 49938
Phone: 906-364-1421
Email: aaron@biosourcecorp.com
Website: http://www.biosourcecorp.com
Product or Service: fiber&chips

AJ Long
Latty Timber Company LLC
PO Box 145
Potosi MO, 63664
Phone: 573-760-5087
Email: lattytimberco@gmail.com
Product or Service: logger

Alan Price
Price Sawmill, Inc.
2929 Highway 34
Piedmont MO, 63957
Phone: (573) 945-2261
Fax: (573) 945-2242
Email: pricemill@mcmo.net
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Squares

Albert Hempel
Hempel, Albert
1349 Hempel Drive
Eldridge MO, 65463
Phone: (573) 363-5213
Product or Service: Landowner

Allan Brown
A. Brown Logging
64886 Old Hwy 79
New London MO, 63459
Phone: (573) 754-0246
Email: melbrown0819@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Logging

Andy Crigler
Crigler, Andy
Post Office Box 382
Alton MO, 65606
Phone: (417) 778-7239
Email: criglertrucking@outlook.com
Product or Service: Logging

Austin Brewer
Brewer Boys LLC
24803 Route 19
Eminence MO, 65466
Phone: 573-226-3384
Email: austin-bwproducts@outlook.com
Product or Service: wood packaging, shavings

Austin Gauldin
Gauldin Logging
692 State Highway KK
Fordland MO, 65652
Phone: 417-855-0481
Email: austin3505@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

Barry Booth
B & B Timber Company, Inc.
Post Office Box 145
Marble Hill MO, 63764
Phone: (573) 579-6335
Fax: (573) 238-3555
Email: bbtimber@sbcglobal.net
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Flooring, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Sawdust

Bart Brown
Patriot Excavating and Contracting LLC
23370 Donze Road
St. Mary MO, 63673
Phone: 573-535-1626
Email: patriot_excavating22@yahoo.com
Product or Service: logging

Beau Cotton
McCoy Construction & Forestry
200 Erb Industrial Drive
Fenton MO, 63026
Phone: 636-349-0200
Email: beaucotton@mccoycf.com
Website: http://www.mccoycf.com
Product or Service: equipment dealer

Ben Hunt
Tag Truck Center
18688 State Highway 177
Jackson MO, 63755
Phone: (573) 579-8588
Fax: (573) 204-1843
Email: ben.hunt@tntxtruck.com
Website: www.tntxtruck.com
Product or Service: Truck & Tractors, Trucking Supplies

Benjamin Bevins
Havco Wood Products LLC
3200 E Outer Road
Scott City MO, 63780
Phone: 270-970-2382
Fax: (573) 334-6500
Email: bbevins@havco.com
Website: www.havcowp.com
Product or Service: Flooring, Wood Drying

Bill Missey
Missey Logging & Sawmill LLC
42 Highway Z
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: (573) 786-8662
Fax: (573) 786-7822
Email: bmsawmil@misn.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Custom Sawing, Logging, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Sawdust

Billy Cardwell
Cardwell Lumber, Inc.
62499 State Hwy 15
Novelty MO, 63460
Phone: (660) 739-4313
Fax: (660) 739-4485
Email: bill@cardwelllumberinc.com
Website: http://www.cardwelllumberinc.com
Product or Service: Chips, Cooperage, Flooring, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Millwork & Molding, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Staves & Headings

Billy Simmerly
Simmerly Timber Company, Inc.
1316 Rock Road
Bourbon MO, 65441
Phone: (573) 732-4778
Fax: (573) 732-4768
Email: simmerlytimber@gmail.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Cants, Custom Sawing, Flooring, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Slabs

Bob Knight
Powell Family LLC
218 Pheasant Run Rd
Jefferson City MO, 65109
Phone: (573) 893-5354
Email: bknightjk@outlook.com
Product or Service: Landowner

Bob Silvers
Silvers Veneer & Lumber Company
920 E Grand Avenue
Cameron MO, 64429
Phone: (816) 262-0035
Email: bob@silversveneer.com
Product or Service: Chips, Custom Sawing, Fencing, Firewood, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Veneer Logs

Brad Gipson
Trackside Hardwood, Inc.
Post Office Box E
Marquand MO, 63655
Phone: (573) 783-2191
Fax: (573) 783-3202
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Sawdust

Brad Goodman
BJG Timber Co LLC
4801 West Blvd
Poplar Bluff MO, 63901
Phone: 573-714-5868
Email: bgoodman@munchnpump.com
Product or Service: diversified products

Brad Jacobs
Brad Jacobs Logging
9628 Northwest CR 14002
Drexel MO, 64742
Phone: (816) 739-6574
Email: bradjacobslogging@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Brad Kosem
Marsh McLennan Agency St.Louis
825 Maryville Centre Drive, Suite 200
Chesterfield MO, 63017
Phone: 314-412-7878
Email: brad.kosem@marshmma.com
Website: www.marshmma.com/us/locations/missouri/stlouis.html
Product or Service: sawmill, flooring

Brandon Kieffer
Walnut Valley Timber Products
19471 Lawrence 1027
Pierce City MO, 65723
Phone: (816) 383-0979
Email: bklogs76@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Brian Bell
Bell Logging LLC
632 Fawkes Street
Higbee MO, 65257
Phone: 660-651-6464
Email: bellloggingllc@gmail.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Brian Francis
Seguin Moreau Napa Cooperage, Inc.
4117 North Highway 61
Perryville MO, 63775
Phone: (573) 547-4799
Email: bfrancis@seguinmoreau.com
Product or Service: Heat Treatment, Staves & Headings

Brian Gallagher
Schaeffer Specialized Lubricants
1451 E Elm Street
Springfield MO, 65802
Phone: 417-693-1144
Email: brian@schaeffer-mo.com
Website: www.schaefferoil.com
Product or Service:

Brian Hensley
Smith Pallet Company, Inc
159 Polk County Road 29
Hatfield AR, 71945
Phone: (870) 389-6184
Fax: (870) 389-6194
Email: spallet@windstream.net
Website: www.smithpallet.com
Product or Service: Heat Treatment

Brock Fisher
Shirley Timber Company
19111 West State Highway 8
Potosi MO, 63664
Phone: (573) 438-2994 X 2202
Fax: (573) 438-6610
Email: brock@reedlumberco.com
Product or Service: Logging

Bruce Palmer
Missouri Consulting Foresters Association
29527 Camp Branch Road
Green Ridge MO, 65332-2331
Phone: 573-690-9151
Email: brucepalmer01@gmail.com
Website: missouriforesters.org
Product or Service: consulting

Carl Barnes
Reed Lumber Co., LLC
19111 West State Highway 8
Potosi MO, 63664
Phone: (573) 438-2994
Fax: (573) 438-6610
Email: barnescl@aol.com
Product or Service: Bark, Blocking, Cants, Chips, Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Railroad Ties, Sawdust

Cecil Womack
Koppers, Inc.
1219 CR 439
Birch Tree MO, 65438
Phone: (417) 764-3210
Email: womackcj@koppers.com
Website: http://www.koppers.com
Product or Service: Buying Yard, Railroad Ties, Treated Timber & Lumber

Cera Martin
ZCM Timber Harvesting LLC
PO Box 3
Tuscumbia MO, 65082
Phone: 573-569-0592
Email: zcmartin5@outlook.com
Website: www.facebook.com/zcmtimberharvesting
Product or Service: Logging

Cera Martin
Martin Ridge Lumber, LLC
325 Highway A
Tuscumbia MO, 65082
Phone: 573-569-0592
Email: zcmartin5@outlook.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Charles Hufft
Hardwood Ridge Pellets
1170 E 460th Road
Boliver MO, 65613
Phone: 417-860-4036
Product or Service: pellets

Charlie Wormek
HMI Fireplace Shop
80 Major Drive
Camdenton MO, 65020
Phone: 573-280-7651
Email: charliew@fireplaceshop.com
Website: http://www.hmifireplaceshop.com
Product or Service: fireplaces

Chester Burkholder
Burkholder Lumber & Logging
472 Seven Oaks Lane
Noel MO, 64854
Phone: 417-461-4692
Product or Service: sawmill

Chris Campbell
Campbell Logging LLC
18266 State Highway H
Glenwood MO, 63541
Phone: 660-216-2973
Email: campbell.logging@gmail.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Chris Carnahan
Boone Valley Sawmill
2054 Epple Road
Hermann MO, 65041
Phone: (636) 448-1687
Fax: (636) 327-3200
Email: sales@boonevalley.net
Product or Service: Blocking, Boxes & Crates, Chips, Heat Treatment, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Reels, Sawdust, Slabs

Chris Kuban
Chemistry PR & Multimedia
1900 Wyoming
St. Louis MO, 63118
Phone: 314-603-2866
Email: chris@chemistrymultimedia.com
Product or Service: Public Relations and Media

Chris Prater
Prater Hardwood Products Inc
69999 E 152 Road
Wyandotte OK, 74370
Phone: 918-919-9764
Email: praterhardwoodproducts@gmail.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Chris Swearingen
MO Timber LLC
17547 Hood Bridge Road
Clarksburg MO, 65025
Phone: 573-821-3988
Email: midmotimber@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Christine Foster
Foster Brothers Wood Products, Inc.
Post Office Box 249
Auxvasse MO, 65231
Phone: (573) 386-2271
Fax: (573) 386-2676
Email: christine@fosterbros.com
Website: http://www.fosterbros.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Mulch, Sawdust, Shavings, Slabs

Christopher Lohmann
Heartland Forest Consulting LLC
205 South Main Street
Ashland MO, 65010
Phone: 573-488-0121
Email: chris@hlforest.com
Website: www.hlforest.com
Product or Service: Forester

Christy Ramsey
B & T Pallet, Inc.
14314 Lawrence Road
Little Rock AR, 72206
Phone: 501-888-7888
Fax: 501-888-1100
Email: christy@bandtpallet.com
Product or Service: Buying yard, Heat Treatment, Mulch, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets

Clint Dubes
K & K Wood Products
23151 North Jefferson Street
Centralia MO, 65240
Phone: (573) 682-3442
Fax: (573) 682-2184
Email: kandkwoodproducts@centurylink.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Boxes & Crates, Cants, Custom Sawing, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Sawdust

Clint Evans
Independent Stave Company, Inc.
109 Orr Street
Columbia MO, 65201
Phone: (573) 554-7144
Email: clint.evans@independentstavecompany.com
Website: www.independentstavecompany.com
Product or Service: Chips, Cooperage, Heat Treatment, Millwork & Molding, Pallets & Skids, Sawdust, Staves & Headings, Wood Drying

Coby Short
Hartzell Hardwoods, Inc.
1025 South Roosevelt Road
Piqua OH, 45356
Phone: (937) 615-1940
Email: cshort@hartzell.com
Website: www.hartzell.com
Product or Service: Buying Yard, Chips, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Wood Drying

Cody Martin
Osage River Wood Products
39 Midway Road
Eldon MO, 65026
Phone: 573-692-1984
Email: jcmlogging84@gmail.com
Website: www.codymartinlogging.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Cody Martin
Cody Martin Logging LLC
PO Box 214
Tuscumbia MO, 65026
Email: jcmlogging84@gmail.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Cody Rebstock
A&C Logging LLC
10921 State Hwy M
Wright City MO, 63390
Phone: 636-384-6289
Email: aandc.logging@gmail.com
Product or Service: stave & cooperage

Corey Grosdidier
FCS Financial
4100 Hwy. 13 Blvd.
Higginsville MO, 64037
Phone: 636-226-8410
Email: corey.grosdidier@myfcsfinancial.com
Website: www.myfcsfinancial.com
Product or Service:

Curt Gegg
Gegg Timber LLC
19419 State Route P
Sainte Genevieve MO, 63670
Phone: 573-535-4123
Email: cgegg427@hotmail.com
Product or Service:

Dallas Breshears
Missouri Department of Agriculture
1616 Missouri Boulevard
Jefferson City MO, 65102
Phone: (573) 526-4849
Fax: (573) 751-2868
Email: Dallas.Breshears@mda.mo.gov
Website: www.agriculture.mo.gov
Product or Service: Agency/Associations/Organizations, Exporting

Dan Howard
Pioneer Lumber Company
PO Box 172
Labadie MO, 63055
Phone: 636-742-3333
Fax: 636-742-0445
Email: dhoward@pioneerlumber.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Lumber-rough dimension, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Squares

Dan Reardon
Reardon Pallet Company, Inc.
100 Funston Road
Kansas City MO, 66117
Phone: (816) 221-3300
Fax: (816) 221-1367
Email: dan@reardonpallet.com
Website: www.reardonpallet.com
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Heat Treatment, Lumber Brokerage, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets

Daniel Turner
Turner Logging
19375 E Highway M
Stockton MO, 65785
Phone: 417-276-4131
Email: turnerlogging@gmail.com
Website: www.turnerloggingllc.com
Product or Service: Logging

Danny Farris
Sentinel Industries, Inc.
PO Box 165
Ashland MO, 65010
Phone: 573-657-7320
Email: sentineldanny@gmail.com
Product or Service: wood preserving

Danny Powers
Danny Powers Logging LLC
8468 FR 1120
Purdy MO, 65734
Phone: 417-846-5661
Email: dpowerslogging@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

Danny West
West Logging LLC
4226 S. 33rd Road
Fair Play MO, 65649
Phone: 417-569-0648
Email: westlogging@hotmail.com
Website: www.westlogging.com
Product or Service: Logging

Darin Crisman
Haas & Wilkerson, Inc.
4300 Shawnee Mission Parkway
Fairway KS, 66205
Phone: (800) 821-7703
Fax: (913) 749-4878
Email: darin.crisman@hwins.com
Website: www.hwins.com
Product or Service: Insurance

Darin Crisman
Missouri Wood Industry Insurance Trust
4300 Shawnee Mission Parkway
Fairway KS, 66205
Phone: (800) 821-7703
Fax: (913) 749-4878
Email: darin.crisman@hwins.com
Website: www.hwins.com
Product or Service: Insurance

Darrell Gruver
D & D Hardwood LLC
Post Office Box 864
Racine MO, 64858
Phone: (417) 776-1602
Fax: (417) 776-5602
Email: d.dhardwood@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Logging

Darren Clayton
Clayton Logging
22139 Lawrence 1036
Pierce City MO, 65723
Phone: 888-956-4437
Email: darrenclayton@claytonlogging.com
Website: www.claytonlogging.com
Product or Service: Logging

Darwin Murray
McClain Forest Products LLC
1050 Girdley Street
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: (417) 257-7795
Fax: (417) 257-7193
Email: dmurray@mcclainforestproducts.com
Website: www.mcclainforestproducts.com
Product or Service: Buying Yard, Flooring, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried

Darwin Woods
D-N-R Loggin LLC
1346 County Road 2675
Clark MO, 65243
Phone: (660) 676-2386
Email: darwoodreb@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Logging

Dave Fiala
Kings Peak Lumber LLC
8764 Old Highway 60
Mountain Grove MO, 65711
Phone: 206-617-3626
Email: dave@kplumber.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Dave Fick
Fick Supply Service, Inc.
501 North Eatherton Road
Wildwood MO, 63005
Phone: (636) 532-4978
Fax: (636) 537-1555
Email: dave@ficksupply.com
Website: www.ficksupply.com
Product or Service: Chips, Mulch, Sawdust, Shavings, Slabs

Dave Kemna
Central Bank
238 Madison Street
Jefferson City MO, 65101
Phone: 573-634-1137
Email: david.kemna@centralbank.net
Website: http://www.centralbank.net
Product or Service: banking

David Filer
Filer Logging LLC
12425 Roth Road
French Village MO, 63036
Phone: (573) 535-1155
Product or Service: Logger

David Jarvis
D.L. Jarvis Logging LLC
10188 Levi Road
Mineral Point MO, 63660
Phone: 573-701-3388
Email: davidjarvis1966@icloud.com
Product or Service: Logging

David Lieber
Profile Technology, Inc.
300 Seebold Spur
Fenton MO, 63026
Phone: (314) 965-9111
Email: info@profiletech.com
Website: www.profiletech.com
Product or Service: Circle Saws/Bandsaw Blades /Knives, Consultants, Notching/Chamfering Machines, Pallet Recycling Equipment, Saw Blades & Knives

David Patterson
The Doe Run Company
Post Office Box 500
Viburnum MO, 65566
Phone: (573) 538-4910
Email: dpatterson@doerun.com
Product or Service: Landowner

Davin Althoff
Missouri Farm Bureau
701 South Country Club Drive
Jefferson City MO, 65109
Phone: (573) 893-1416
Fax: (573) 893-1560
Email: davin.althoff@mofb.org
Website: www.mofb.org
Product or Service: Agency/Associations/Organizations

Dean Gipson
Dean Gipson Logging
2971 Highway K
Fredericktown MO, 63645
Phone: 573-701-4409
Email: iradean57@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Derek Knoepflein
Derek Knoepflein Logging
55 Blue Jay Road
Montgomery City MO, 63361
Phone: 573-220-3364
Email: knoepfleinderek@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Derek Whisenant
Judd Enterprise LLC
Post Office Box 1754
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: (417) 277-5503
Fax: (417) 277-5505
Email: juddent@pvbroadband.com
Product or Service: Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets

Derick Marshall
HD Forest Products LLC
15950 Hwy N
Stover MO, 65078
Phone: 417-718-0565
Email: derickmarshall@rocketmail.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Devin Fortner
D&D Pallet Service
9230 NW 316th St.
Gower MO, 64454
Phone: 816-424-3539
Email: ddpallet@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Mulch, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets, Sawdust

Diann Garnett
Garnett Company LLC
10363 County Road 9510
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: 417-849-9270
Fax: 417-257-7876
Email: diann@garnettcompany.com
Website: http://www.garnettcompany.com
Product or Service: nails/fasteners

Dmitri Thompson
Cedar Creek Hardwoods, Inc.
1143 Highway O
Fredericktown MO, 63645
Phone: (573) 783-5786
Fax: (573) 783-8037
Email: dmitrit@cedarcreekhardwoods.com
Website: www.cedarcreekhardwoods.com
Product or Service: Flooring, Furniture Parts, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Millwork & Molding,

Don Gibson
Tri State Timber
353 1/2 Grand Avenue
Memphis MO, 63555
Phone: 660-465-2975
Email: tstimber@nemr.net
Product or Service:

Don McGinnis
McGinnis Wood Products, Inc.
8052 Old Highway 66
Cuba MO, 65453
Phone: (573) 885-3524
Fax: (573) 885-6637
Email: don@mwpcooperage.com
Website: http://www.mcpcooperage.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Cooperage, Sawdust, Shavings, Staves & Headings

Doug Jenkins
Big River Timber Company
6008 Hidden Acres Road
House Springs MO, 63051
Phone: (314) 422-8209
Fax: (636) 375-5227
Email: doug@dougjenkinsgarage.com
Website: http://www.bigrivertimberco.com
Product or Service: Logging

Douglas Skidmore
Skidmore Lumber Company, LLC
3342 Highway 63
Freeburg MO, 65035
Phone: (573) 455-2871
Fax: (573) 455-2204
Email: dbskid@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Bark, Blocking, Buying Yard, Chips, Lumber-Grade, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Veneer Logs

Dr. Hank Stelzer
University of Missouri-School of Natural Resources
203 ABNR Building
Columbia MO, 65211
Phone: (573) 882-4444
Fax: (573) 882-1977
Email: stelzerh@missouri.edu
Product or Service: Forester (Professional)

Drew Patterson
Basic Industries
28221 County Road 319
Buena Vista CO, 81211
Phone: 720-560-6227
Email: drew@basicstakes.com
Website: www.basicstakes.com
Product or Service: diversified products

Duane Luffy
Mill Creek Farm
19421 State Route P
Sainte Genevieve MO, 63670
Phone: 573-880-3544
Email: duaneluffy@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Landowner

Edward Ferguson
Ferguson Logging
PO Box 645
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: 573-247-1558
Email: budfergy@gmail.com
Product or Service:

Edward Fitgerl
HUB International
4500 SW Raintree Ridge Drive
Lee's Summit MO, 64082
Phone: 816-506-6004
Email: edward.fitzgerl@hubinternational.com
Website: www.hubinternational.com
Product or Service: insurance

Enos Yoder
Yoder Hardwoods
19859 Highway P
Verona MO, 65769
Phone: (417) 229-2006
Fax: (417) 498-0036
Product or Service: Blocking, Buying Yard, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Staves & Headings

Eric Yarnell
Yarnell Forestry Consulting LLC
327 Plank School Road
Marshfield MO, 65706
Phone: (417) 241-2827
Email: ericyarnell@gmail.com
Website: www.yarnellforestry.com
Product or Service: Forester (Professional)

Everett Summers
Summers Logging
9703 County Road 9690
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: (417) 293-6379
Product or Service: Logging

Fred Burkardt
LAD Forestry & Farms
6081 CR 1640
Pomona MO, 65789
Phone: 417-255-6081
Email: f.c.burkardt@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Fred Crouse
Crouse, Fred
1805 Bettina Drive
Columbia MO, 65202
Phone: (573) 489-4904
Email: moforest@outlook.com
Product or Service: Forester (Professional)

Freddie Tharp
Tharp Pallet Company
Post Office Box 104
Floral AR, 72534
Phone: (501) 345-2901
Fax: (501) 345-2058
Email: tharppallet@gmail.com
Product or Service: Chips, Pallets & Skids, Sawdust

Gabe Silvers
Meister Log & Lumber Company
3011 Ashland Avenue
Saint Joseph MO, 64506
Phone: 608-524-4412
Email: gabesilvers@midwesthardwood.com
Website: www.meisterloglumber.com
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Firewood, Lumber-grade, Lumber Kiln Dried, Mulch, Veneer Logs

Gary Boushie
8923 Hwy E
Arcadia MO, 63621
Phone: 573-546-7200
Email: gary@gbe-lic.com
Website: www.gbe-llc.com
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Cants, Heat Treatment, Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Railroad Ties, Squares

Gary LaRose
LaRose Logging
19879 Lime Kiln Road
Ste Genevieve MO, 63670
Phone: 573-517-2634
Product or Service: logging

Gene Gerlt
Gene Gerlt Logging
102 Edwards
New Franklin MO, 65274
Phone: (660) 537-6603
Email: gerltlogging@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Gentry Hutchings
Arneson Timber Company, Inc.
552 Industrial Drive
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: (573) 775-5911
Fax: (573) 775-5912
Email: atc@normanlumber.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Firewood, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Slabs, Treated Timber & Lumber

Gerald Ross
Ross, Gerald
3010 Oak Valley Drive
Jefferson City MO, 65109
Phone: (573) 301-9696
Product or Service: landowner

Gil Winland
Georgetown Wood & Pallet Company, Inc.
Post Office 235
Georgetown IL, 61846
Phone: (217) 662-2563
Fax: (217) 662-2592
Email: adam.winland@georgetownpallet.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Boxes & Crates, Cants, Heat Treatment, Mulch, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets, Sawdust

Glen Johnson
Brocaw Bearing & Industrial Supply, Inc.
306 W Broadway Street
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: (417) 257-7566
Fax: (417) 257-2225
Email: glen@brocaw.com
Website: www.brocawbearing.com
Product or Service: Abrasives, Air Equipment & Supplies, Compressors, Hydraulic Supplies, Parts - New/Replacement

Greg Brinkley
Brinkley Wood Products
Post Office Box 542
Piedmont MO, 63957
Phone: (573) 856-4343
Email: bwp4170@windstream.net
Product or Service: Bark, Blocking, Cants, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Squares

Greg Elson
Paradise Tree Farm
24675 Ingel Road
Linneus MO, 64653
Phone: 660-998-0613
Email: treefarm0001@gmail.com
Product or Service: Diversified Products

Greg Gathers
CTC Forestry
4011 SW 29th St #130
Topeka Ks, 66614
Phone: 785-221-7550
Email: ggathers@customtreecare.com
Product or Service: diversified products

Gustavo Lopez
433 Plaza Real Ste 275
Boca Raton FL, 33432
Phone: 728-888-6017
Email: admin@st4ff.com
Product or Service: staffing

Harlan Buster
Buster's Logging
710 Dear Street
Kirksville MO, 63501
Phone: (660) 627-9608
Email: danabrad6655@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Homer Townsley
C.W. Price Enterprises, Inc.
752 County Road 570
Van Buren MO, 63965
Phone: (573) 945-2366
Fax: (573) 945-2182
Email: priceent@mcmo.net
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids

Israel Blosser
Timber Ridge Sawmill LLC
19188 Alum Springs Road
Versailles MO, 65084
Phone: (573) 789-3325
Email: timberridgesawmill@gmail.com
Product or Service: Diversified Products

Ivan Tucker
Timberland Forest Products
3772 U.S. Highway 160
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: (417) 257-7922
Fax: (417) 257-7923
Email: itucker@timberlandforest.com
Website: www.timberlandforest.com
Product or Service: Cants, Charcoal, Firewood, Flooring, Heat Treatment, Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Slabs

Ivan Yoder
Yoder Sawmill LLC
31346 210 Street
Bonaparte IA, 52620
Phone: 319-470-7539
Product or Service: Logging

J.D. Hampton
Hampton Logging
25 Carter 235
Ellsinore MO, 63937
Phone: (573) 322-8230
Fax: (573) 322-8230
Email: maryjohampton@icloud.com
Product or Service: Logging

J.Mark Boardman
Flickerwood Farms, Inc.
3027 Larch Lane
Jackson MO, 63755
Phone: 573-243-2055
Email: webmaster@flickerwood.net
Website: www.flickerwood.net
Product or Service: baled wood shaving

Jake Parsons
Higgenbotham Insurance Agency
909 E Republic Road C200
Springfield MO, 65807
Phone: 417-973-0701
Email: jparsons@higginbotham.com
Website: https://www.higginbotham.com/
Product or Service: insurance

James Zwyers
Jim's Tree Service
18298 Bernheimer Rd
Marthasville MO, 63357
Phone: (636) 544-2523
Email: jimzwyers61@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Jason Baer
Luby Equipment Services
2300 Cassens Drive
Fenton MO, 63026
Phone: 314-756-3229
Email: dtimpone@lubyequipment.com
Product or Service: equipment

Jason Deschu
Triangle D Mule Logging LLC
41441 Maries Road 630
Dixon MO, 65459
Phone: (573) 291-7906
Email: jadeschu@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Jason Green
Pioneer Forest
2265 MO Highway 19 North
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: 573-261-0222
Email: jason.green@pioneerforest.org
Website: www.ladfoundation.org
Product or Service: Landowner

Jason Rowden
County Fuels, LLC
19303 Rowden Lane
Eminence MO, 65466
Phone: 573-247-6386
Email: office@countyfuels.com
Website: http://www.countyfuels.com
Product or Service: landowner

Jason Swartzentruber
J & J Logging
7725 SW Highway DD
El Dorado Springs MO, 64744
Phone: (417) 399-4849
Fax: (417) 422-1684
Product or Service: Logging

Jay Foster
Missouri Fibre Corporation
28 East Road
Scott City MO, 63780
Phone: (573) 386-2271
Fax: (573) 386-2676
Email: jay@fosterbros.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips

Jay Green
Kingsford Manufacturing Company
21200 Maries Road 314
Belle MO, 65013
Phone: (573) 201-7236
Email: jay.green@clorox.com
Website: www.kingsford.com
Product or Service: Charcoal

Jay Stortz
Jay's Firewood and Mulch LLC
Post Office Box 406
Perryville MO, 63775
Phone: 573-517-2032
Fax: 573-547-9911
Email: jaysfirewoodandmulch@yahoo.com
Website: www.jaysfirewoodandmulch.com
Product or Service: Firewood, Mulch

Jeff Barber
Ozark Machinery
10399 Co Rd 8270
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: 417-256-8178
Email: sales.ozarkmachinery@gmail.com
Product or Service: machinery

Jeff Davis
Hardwoods of Missouri LLC
P.O. Box 117
Birch Tree MO, 65438
Phone: (573) 292-3814
Fax: (573) 292-3566
Email: jeff@masterscraft.com
Website: www.hardwoodsofmissouri.com
Product or Service: Flooring, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Sawdust

Jeff Naught
Assured Partners
Post Office Box 1768
Jefferson City MO, 65101
Phone: 573-680-2057
Email: jeff.naught@assuredpartners.com
Website: www.assuredpartners.com
Product or Service: Employee Benefits, Insurance

Jeff Perkins
Jeff Perkins Timber Company, Inc.
1530 East Highway 8
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: (573) 786-2201
Fax: (573) 786-2201
Email: jperkins@misn.com
Product or Service: Logging

Jeff Ryan
B & K Manufacturing, Inc.
402 West Wilson Street
Centralia MO, 65240
Phone: (573) 682-2856
Fax: (573) 682-9606
Email: bkmfg@socket.net
Website: www.bkmanufacturing.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Boxes & Crates, Heat Treatment, Pallets & Skids, Treated Timber & Lumber

Jeff Skaggs
Jeff Skaggs Logging
2765 Wayne 203
Marquand MO, 63655
Phone: 573-238-9531
Email: amyskaggs1979@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Jeff Woita
Woita Forest Products
601 Calvert Suite Q
Lincoln NE, 68506
Phone: 402-421-2011
Email: jeff@woitaforest.com
Website: www.woitaforest.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Cants, Heat Treatment, Lumber Brokerage, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Pallet Cut Stock, Posts, Poles & Pilings

Jennifer Blum
Botkin Lumber Company, Inc.
Post Office Box 1022
Farmington MO, 63640
Phone: (573) 756-2400
Fax: (573) 756-4168
Email: jennifer.blum@botkinlumber.com
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Heat Treatment, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Wood Drying

Jeremy DeMent
Timberline Lumber LLC
Post Office Box 64
Centerville MO, 63633
Phone: 573-648-2396
Fax: 573-648-2396
Email: timberlinelumber@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Logging

Jeremy Rathmann
Double R Timber Harvesting LLC
7630 Lawrence 1187
Ash Grove MO, 65604
Phone: 417-461-2228
Email: doublertimber@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Jerry Angelbeck
Angelbeck Lumber Company, Inc.
Post Office Box 404
Chesterfield MO, 63006
Phone: (636) 530-0796
Fax: (636) 530-0798
Email: angelbecklumber@aol.com
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Wood Drying

Jesse Houseman
Kagmo Electric Motor Company, Inc.
2351 Rust Ave.
Cape Girardeau MO, 63702
Phone: 731-592-3374
Email: jesse@kagmo.com
Product or Service: Engines & Power Units

Jim "Bucky" Pescaglia, Jr.
MO-PAC Lumber Company
694 State Route DD
Fayette MO, 65248
Phone: (660) 248-3000
Fax: (660) 248-2508
Email: bucky@mopaclumber.com
Website: www.mopaclumber.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Veneer Logs

Jim & Brian Nelson
Nelson Logging
3325 State Highway T
Oldfield MO, 65720
Phone: (417) 844-6114
Email: jbnelson44@icloud.com
Product or Service: Logging

Jim Durham
19215 SE 34th St. #106
Camas WA, 98607
Phone: 360-750-5575
Email: jim@timbersoft.com
Website: www.timbersoft.com
Product or Service: inventory management software

Jim McKenney
Sterling Lumber Company
19829 Highway 54
Louisiana MO, 63353
Phone: (573) 754-4083
Fax: (573) 754-4087
Email: christian@sterlinglumber.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Logging, Lumber Brokerage, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Pallets & Skids, Sawdust, Saw Logs

Jimmy Sorrells
WLS Sawmill
8018 Highway 35
Benton AR, 72015
Phone: (501) 315-1296
Fax: (501) 778-9415
Email: wls@up-link.net
Product or Service: Chips, Heat Treatment, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Pallets & Skids, Sawdust

Jodi Falcone
Belfour Spirits
25 Highland Park Village Ste 100-338
Dallas TX, 75205
Phone: 972-740-1752
Email: jfalcone@belfourspirits.com
Product or Service: novelty, whiskey, white oak

Joe Crenshaw
Midwest Timber Exports
450 Woodbine Court
Arnold MO, 63010
Phone: (816) 805-0344
Email: logs@midwesttimberexports.com
Website: http://www.midwesttimberexports.com
Product or Service: Logging

Joe Garber
Sunnyview Hardwoods LLC
29180 Hwy 32
Lebanon MO, 65536
Phone: 417-532-1224
Fax: 417-200-5060
Email: joe@silvershadefarms.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Joe Glenn
Joe Glenn's THT
2612 Wayne Route M
Silva MO, 63964
Phone: (573) 495-2050
Email: chainsawtrainer@live.com
Product or Service: Logging

John Crooker
Mid Missouri Logging LLC
20679 Highway H
Hughesville MO, 65334
Phone: 816-806-5808
Email: ccrooker@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

John Evans
John Evans Logging LLC
397 West Highway 8
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: (573) 775-5217
Fax: (573) 775-5917
Email: jrtlevans@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

John Heckmann
WalMar Investment Company
14151 Clayton Road
Chesterfield MO, 63017
Phone: (314) 610-9064
Fax: (636) 394-3875
Email: john@walmarinvestment.com
Product or Service:

John Holmes
Ponsse North America, Inc
4400 International Road
Rhinelander MO, 54501
Phone: 715-490-0988
Email: john.holmes@ponsse.com
Website: www.ponsse.com
Product or Service: equipment

John Hunn
Hunny Tree Logging
3557 State Highway JJ
Sparta MO, 65753
Phone: 417-818-7625
Email: hunnytreelogging@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

John Klepzig
JSK Lumber, Inc.
120 Ripley Route EE
Doniphan MO, 63935
Phone: (573) 996-4302
Email: jsklbr@windstream.net
Product or Service: Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Slabs

John Robinson
Rudd Equipment Company
4679 New Baumgartner Road
Saint Louis MO, 63129
Phone: (314) 487-8925
Fax: (314) 487-0833
Email: jrobinson@ruddequipment.com
Website: www.ruddequipment.com
Product or Service: Loaders (Wheeled), Site Preparation/Land Clearing Equipment

John Williams
Huebert Fiberboard
1545 E Morgan St
Boonville MO, 65233
Phone: 660-882-2704
Email: jwilliams@huebertfiberboard.com
Website: http://www.huebertfiberboard.com
Product or Service: fiber & chips

John Woods
Twin Oak Timber LLC
19330 Hwy CC
Cainsville MO, 64632
Phone: 660-893-5564
Email: twinoaktimberllc@yahoo.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Jonathon Sinn
J & N Sinn Logging, LLC
415 Co Rd 623
Cape Girardeau MO, 63701
Phone: 573-803-9566
Email: jnsinnloggingllc@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

Joni Petersheim
Rolling Acres Logging
15988 W State Hwy F
Bethany MO, 64424
Phone: 660-373-1399
Product or Service: logging

Jordan Lutz
Forest Carbon Works
W3768 Center Avenue
Medford WI, 54451
Phone: 608-673-5326
Email: jordan@forestcarbonworks.com
Product or Service: wood preserving

Josh Adams
Sainte Genevieve Industries, Inc.
Post Office Box 166
Sainte Genevieve MO, 63670
Phone: (573) 883-7431
Fax: (573) 883-9082
Email: office@sgi-inc.org
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Firewood, Heat Treatment, Mulch, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets, Sawdust, Treated Timber & Lumber

Josh Baugh
Tag Truck Center
2880 US Highway 67
Farmington MO, 63640
Phone: (573) 747-0190
Fax: (573) 756-4661
Email: josh.baugh@tntxtruck.com
Website: www.tntxtruck.com
Product or Service: Truck & Tractors, Trucking Supplies

Josh Counts
Josh Counts Logging
PO Box 1435
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: 573-259-9902
Email: countsllc@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

Josh Kinney
Cardinal Country Logging & Sawmill LLC
573 S. Dade 251 Road
Ash Grove MO, 65604
Phone: 417-773-7335
Email: joshkinney34@yahoo.com
Product or Service: sawmill, logging

Josh Still
Still Logging LLC
2416 Farm Road 2187
Exeter MO, 65647
Phone: 417-846-7120
Product or Service: logging

Judy Janes
Janes Timber Products LLC
441 County Road 228
Couch MO, 65690
Phone: 417-280-0454
Email: janestimberproducts@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Keith Hankins
Pennington Seed Inc.
PO Box 338
Greenfield MO, 65661
Phone: 417-326-9705
Email: khankins@penningtonseed.com
Product or Service: wood fuel, wood pellets

Keith Holloway
Professional Packaging, Inc.
1435 North Mount Auburn Road, Suite 123
Cape Girardeau MO, 63701
Phone: (573) 335-9200
Fax: (573) 335-4787
Email: keith@mopalletpro.com
Website: www.mopalletpro.com
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Heat Treatment, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets

Kelly Burke
Burke Timber
1589 Shiloh Church Road
Marionville MO, 65705
Phone: (417) 631-7273
Email: burketimber@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Cants, Logging, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Slabs, Squares

Kelly Frizzell
Frizzell Sawmill & Logging
6803 North HIghway 19
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: (573) 729-2365
Fax: (573) 729-3901
Email: troyf166@crawfordelec.com
Product or Service: Logging

Kenneth Brown
K. B. Loggin
Post Office Box 15
Whiteside MO, 63387
Phone: 636-299-1464
Product or Service: Logging

Kent Smith
Smith Flooring, Inc.
1501 W US Highway 60
Mountain View MO, 65548
Phone: (417) 934-2291
Fax: (417) 934-2295
Email: kentsmith@smithflooring.com
Website: www.smithflooring.com
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Flooring, Railroad Ties, Sawdust

Kenton Wright
KABE Wood Products
4996 North Pheasant Drive
Ozark MO, 65721
Phone: (417) 581-0550
Fax: (417) 581-0550
Email: kabewoodproducts@gmail.com
Product or Service: Landowner

Kevin Christensen
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC Salem Location
PO Box 549 673 Hwy JJ
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: (573) 729-4133
Email: kchristensen@royaloak.com
Website: www.royaloak.com
Product or Service: Charcoal

Kevin Christensen
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC West Plains Location
6425 State Route ZZ PO Box 850
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: (417) 256-2116
Email: kchristensen@royaloak.com
Website: www.royaloak.com
Product or Service: Charcoal

Kevin Christensen
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC Ellsinore Operation
187 Carter 330
Ellsinore MO, 63937
Phone: 573-322-5217
Email: kchristensen@royaloak.com
Website: www.royaloak.com
Product or Service: charcoal

Kevin Christensen
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC Mountain View Operation
9916 County Road 2780
Mountain View MO, 65548
Phone: 417-720-0877
Email: kchristensen@royaloak.com
Website: www.royaloak.com
Product or Service: charcoal

Kevin Christensen
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC Reynolds Operation
Hwy 72
Reynolds MO, 63666
Phone: 573-689-2020
Email: kchristensen@royaloak.com
Website: www.royaloak.com
Product or Service: charcoal

Kevin Christensen
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC Summersville Operation
21364 CR 341
Summersville MO, 65571
Phone: 417-720-0877
Email: kchristensen@royaloak.com
Website: www.royaloak.com
Product or Service: charcoal

Kevin Conner
C & K Lumber LLC
8644 CR 3940
Mountain View MO, 65548
Phone: (417) 247-0971
Fax: (417) 934-1569
Email: kjconner65@gmail.com
Product or Service: Cants, Lumber-Grade, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Slabs

Kevin Fuemmeler
K & K Farm Enterprises LLC
53 Mary Helen Lane
Harviell MO, 63945
Phone: (573) 686-2468
Fax: (573) 686-2482
Email: kkfarmenterprises@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Custom Sawing, Heat Treatment, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets

Kim Eaton
Eaton Logging
Post Office Box 173
Cherryville MO, 65446
Phone: (573) 743-6540
Email: beckye1966@live.com
Product or Service: Logging

Kim Eaton
Eaton Loggin
PO Box 173
Cherryville MO, 65446
Phone: 573-743-6540
Email: beckye1966@live.com
Product or Service: logging

Kim Van Derslice
191 State Hwy AB
Seymour MO, 65746
Phone: 303-802-5439
Email: kvanderslice@lignetics.com
Website: www.lignetics.com
Product or Service: pellets

Kirby Kendrick
Kendrick Forest Products
601 S. Washington Street
Edgewood IA, 52042
Phone: 563-928-6431
Email: kirby@kendrickinc.com
Website: www.kfpiowa.com
Product or Service:

Kristopher Gore
K-K Logging LLC
1692 Carter Route FF
Ellsinore MO, 63937
Phone: 573-300-1649
Email: gorefamilyoperations@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logger

Kurt Rehagen
Rustic Wood Products, Inc.
6347 South Highway 51
Perryville MO, 63775
Phone: (573) 547-8227
Fax: (573) 547-2288
Email: rstlumber@wmconnect.com
Website: www.rwpinc.net
Product or Service: Bark, Buying Yard, Cants, Chips, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Squares, Veneer Logs

Kurt Rehagen
Rehagen Timber LLC
234 Rock Valley Lane
Perryville MO, 63775
Phone: 573-517-1294
Email: krehagen@rwpinc.net
Website: http://www.rwpinc.net
Product or Service: sawmill

Kyle Carroll
MFA Oil Company
One Ray Young Drive
Columbia MO, 65201
Phone: (573) 442-0171
Email: kyle.carroll@mfaoil.com
Website: www.mfaoil.com
Product or Service: Chemicals/Lubricants

Kyle Houston
Preferred Pallets & Packaging Company, Inc.
1000 Edgewater Point, Suite 307
Lake Saint Louis MO, 63367
Phone: (636) 625-1114
Fax: (636) 625-1113
Email: info@prefpallets.com
Website: http://www.prefpallets.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Boxes & Crates, Corrugated Boxes, Millwork & Molding, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets

Lanny Burke
Three Oaks Lumber LLC
Post Office Box 706
Van Buren MO, 63965
Phone: (573) 776-8182
Email: janetburke03@gmail.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Cants, Flooring, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Slabs

Larry Dietrich
Nextran Truck Centers
5014 Broadway
Quincy IL, 62305
Phone: (217) 224-2030
Fax: (217) 224-6160
Email: larry.dietrich@nextranusa.com
Website: www.nextranusa.com
Product or Service: Trailers, Truck & Tractors, Trucking Supplies

Larry Sharp
Altenburg Hardwood Lumber
10220 Main Street
Altenburg MO, 63732
Phone: (573) 824-5265
Fax: (573) 824-5367
Email: lsharp49@att.net
Product or Service: Cants, Chips, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Veneer Logs

Larry Walker
Walker's Pallet Service, Inc.
Post Office Box 3070
Saint Joseph MO, 64503
Phone: (913) 365-4000
Fax: (913) 365-4840
Email: wpslarry@gmail.com
Product or Service: Heat Treatment, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Sawdust

Laurie Wilson
Forest and Woodland Association of Missouri
PO Box 1632
Saint Peters MO, 63376
Phone: (573) 353-6436
Email: fwam.trees@gmail.com
Website: www.forestandwoodland.org
Product or Service: Agency/Association/Organization

Leroy Smith
Smith Hardwood Lumber
18432 Gentry
Lebanon MO, 65536
Phone: (417) 532-9593
Fax: (417) 532-9857
Email: contact@smithhardwoods.com
Product or Service: Flooring, Furniture Parts, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Millwork & Molding

Levi Yoder
Yoder Saws Inc
23422 East Main
Kahoka MO, 63445
Phone: 660-727-1464
Email: yodersaws@yahoo.com
Website: www.yodersaws.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Lindsey DiGangi
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company
2005 Market Street, Suite 1200
Philadelphia PA, 19103
Phone: (267) 825-9034
Fax: (215) 625-9097
Email: ldigangi@plmins.com
Website: www.plmins.com
Product or Service: Insurance

Lynn Barnickol
Missouri Consulting Foresters
1607 S Oaks Drive
Wardsville MO, 65101
Phone: 573-230-6248
Email: actuallywood@gmail.com
Product or Service: Consultant

Lynn Gastineau
Gastineau Log Homes, Inc.
3968 Jade Road
Kingdom City MO, 65262
Phone: (573) 896-5122
Fax: 800-654-9253
Email: lgastineau@oakloghome.com
Website: http://www.oakloghome.com
Product or Service: Buying Yard, Flooring, Log Homes

Mack Ray
Ray's Logging, LLC
2519 State Route H
Fayette MO, 65248
Phone: (660) 888-1365
Email: mackray1970@icloud.com
Product or Service: Logging

Manuel Tavarez
Harvey Pallet-Missouri Division
2200 139th Street
Blue Island IL, 60406
Phone: (708) 293-1831
Fax: (708) 293-1835
Email: manuel@harveypallets.com
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Heat Treatment, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets

Margaret Neth
Menco Royal, Inc.
Post Office Box 1198
Liberty MO, 64069
Phone: (816) 257-2552
Fax: (816) 257-5543
Email: menco@mencoroyal.com
Website: www.mencoroyal.com
Product or Service: Corrugated Boxes, Fiber Board, Pulp & Paper Products, Recycled Pallets

Marilyn Tharp
KMJ Pallet & Lumber Company
12357 Old Hwy 60
Birch Tree MO, 65438
Phone: (573) 292-3218
Fax: (573) 292-4696
Email: kmjco@socket.net
Product or Service: Heat Treatment, Lumber Brokerage, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids

Mark Black
J. W. Black Lumber Company
Post Office Box 107
Corning AR, 72422
Phone: (870) 243-1217
Fax: (870) 857-6876
Email: jwblack@centurytel.net
Product or Service: Landowner

Mark Grabenhorst
Grabenhorst Timber
32240 Farm Lane
Warrenton MO, 63383
Phone: 636-377-2086
Product or Service: Logging

Mark Sloan
Community First Banking Company
1330 Southern Hills Center
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: 417-255-2265
Email: msloan@cfbankco.com
Website: http://www.cfbankco.com
Product or Service: banking

Martin Bays
Bays Family Farm
504 North Park Drive
Belton MO, 64012
Phone: 816-550-3369
Email: igvet@aol.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Matt Lloyd
Fabick Cat
One Fabick Drive
Fenton MO, 63026
Phone: 573-602-3673
Email: matt.lloyd@fabickcat.com
Product or Service: Air Equipment & Supplies, Chippers & Grinders, Construction Services, Conveyors, Debarkers & Suppliers, Delimbers, Engines & Power Units, Felling & Harvesting Machines, Firewood Production Equipment, Forestry Supplies, Forwarders, Hydraulic Supplies, Load

Matt Lowman
Vecoplan Midwest LLC
5045 Saturday Street
Saint Charles MO, 63301
Phone: 336-861-6070
Email: matt.lowman@vecoplan.com
Website: www.vecoplanllc.com
Product or Service: wood packaging

Matthew Maggard
Maggards Sawmill and Logging
RR 3 Box 148d
Ava MO, 65608
Phone: 417-543-8176
Email: mtm3424@gmail.com
Product or Service: logger

Melinda Hathcoat
Baker Products
Post Office Box 128
Ellington MO, 63638
Phone: (573) 663-7711
Fax: (573) 663-2787
Email: melinda@bakerproducts.net
Website: www.baker-online.com
Product or Service: Bandsaw Equipment, Cants, Circle Saws/Bandsaw Blades/Knives, Consultants, Conveyors, Edgers & Planers, Heat Treatment, Log Decks, Log Turners, Notching/Chamfering Machines, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallet Production Equipment, Pallets & Skids, Resaws, Saw Blades & Knives, Sawdust, Sawmill-Portable, Sawmill Equipment, Squares, Trim Saws, Wood Treating Equipment

Michael Bill
Missouri Department of Conservation
2901 West Truman Boulevard
Jefferson City MO, 65109
Phone: (573) 522-4115
Fax: (573) 526-6670
Email: michael.bill@mdc.mo.gov
Website: www.mdc.mo.gov
Product or Service: Agency/Associations/Organizations, Forester (Professional)

Michael Dotson
Timberline Trading, Inc.
PO Box 643
Lathrop MO, 64465
Phone: (816) 564-1761
Email: logginking@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Michael Morris
Domtar Paper Company LLC
Post Office Box 130
Hawesville KY, 42348
Phone: (270) 927-7321
Fax: (270) 927-7237
Email: michael.morris@domtar.com
Website: www.domtar.com
Product or Service: Pulp & Paper Products

Michael Naeger
Naeger Forest Products, Inc.
21894 State Route B
Sainte Genevieve MO, 63670
Phone: (573) 756-9807
Fax: (573) 756-9807
Email: naegerforestproducts@gmail.com
Product or Service: Cants, Fencing, Logging, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Veneer Logs

Michael Nelson
Ambassador Enterprises LLC
2090 Key Harbor
Lake Saint Louis MO, 63367
Phone: 636-634-1354
Email: mikethomasnelson@gmail.com
Product or Service: Agency

Michael Timmerman
Specialty Products Company
Post Office Box 2033
Independence MO, 64057
Phone: (816) 796-1317
Fax: (816) 796-1319
Email: specialtyprodco@aol.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Boxes & Crates, Custom Sawing, Lumber Brokerage, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Treated Timber & Lumber

Michelle Gabelsberger
Conservation Federation of Missouri
728 West Main Street
Jefferson City MO, 65101
Phone: (573) 634-2322
Email: mgabelsberger@confedmo.org
Website: www.confedmo.org
Product or Service: Agency/Associations/Organizations

Michelle Powell
Canoak Missouri
435 County Road 6430
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: (573) 729-3310
Fax: (573) 729-3809
Email: mpowell@canoakmissouri.com
Product or Service: Flooring, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Sawdust

Mike Dunn
Guide Star Farm
2122 County Road 2400
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: 573-729-2639
Email: guidestarfarm@gmail.com
Product or Service: land owner

Mike McNail
Missouri Tie LLC
8324 Highway 72
Bunker MO, 63629
Phone: (573) 689-2040
Fax: (573) 689-2120
Email: mike@missouritie.com
Product or Service: Bark, Blocking, Cants, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Slabs, Squares, Treated Timber & Lumber

Mike Morris
Missouri Department of Conservation
2901 West Truman Boulevard
Jefferson City MO, 65109
Phone: (573) 522-4115
Fax: (573) 526-6670
Email: mike.morris@mdc.mo.gov
Website: www.mdc.mo.gov
Product or Service: Agency/Associations/Organizations, Forester (Professional)

Mike Wooten & Susan Downey
Mike Wooten Logging
39634 Marsha Avenue
Excello MO, 65247
Phone: 660-651-6198
Fax: 660-346-1315
Email: snl5460@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Mikel Farris
Farris, Mikel
10670 Fir Tree Road
Potosi MO, 63664
Phone: (573) 210-0585
Product or Service: Logging

Nancy Giddens
The Giddens Group
208 Madison Street
Jefferson City MO, 65101
Phone: 573-230-6203
Email: nancy@thegiddensgroup.com
Product or Service: lobbyist

Nicholas Rayoum
Lakenan Insurance
890 Rozier Street
Sainte Genevieve MO, 63670
Phone: 573-547-6525 X3200
Email: nrayoum@lakenan.com
Website: http://www.lakenan.com
Product or Service: insurance

Nick Adams
Adams Logging
410 Blunt Road
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: (573) 775-5621
Email: beckadamstimber@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Logging

Noah Miller
Hawkeye Timber
27008 138th Avenue
Centerville IA, 52544
Phone: 641-203-0657
Email: espringer56@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

Paul Gaines
Madison County Wood Products, Inc.
4597 Highway C
Fredericktown MO, 63645
Phone: (573) 783-5542
Fax: (573) 783-2811
Email: p.gaines@mcwp.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Heat Treatment, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Railroad Ties, Recycled Pallets, Sawdust

Paul Gingerich
Faith Timber Products LLC
21516 Hwy 65
Carrollton MO, 64633
Phone: 660-322-1375
Email: pauljgingerich@gmail.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Paul Noble
Noble Wood Specialties
6948 SE County Road 13335
Appleton City MO, 64724
Phone: (660) 424-9999
Fax: (660) 424-9999
Email: nobleranch@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Chips, Pallets & Skids

Philip Anderson
FCS Financial
1051 Peruque Crossing Court
O'Fallon MO, 63366
Phone: (636) 226-8410
Fax: (636) 327-1792
Email: phillip.anderson@myfcsfinancial.com
Product or Service: Finance, Insurance

Philip Sneed
Blackwell Creek Forestry
14435 Liv 251
Chillicothe MO, 64601
Phone: 660-973-2714
Email: info@blackwellcreekforestry.com
Product or Service: Forester (Professional)

Phillip Anderson
FCS Financial
1051 Peruque Crossing Court
O'Fallon MO, 63366
Phone: (636) 226-8410
Fax: (636) 327-1792
Email: phillip.anderson@myfcsfinancial.com
Website: www.myfcsfinancial.com
Product or Service: Finance, Insurance

Quinn Downs
Viper Industrial Products
1 Landon Lane
Greenbrier AR, 72058
Phone: 501-679-6814
Email: quinn@viper-us.com
Product or Service: diversified products

Randolph Woodroffe
Woodroffe Sawmill, Inc.
1523 295th Avenue
Fort Madison IA, 52627
Phone: (319) 528-6231
Fax: (319) 528-6211
Email: woodpallet@iowatelecom.net
Website: www.iowapallets.com
Product or Service: Firewood, Heat Treatment, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Sawdust, Slabs

Randy Burke
Angry Beaver Outdoors, LLC
345 Sawin B Lane
Climax Springs MO, 65324
Phone: 660-723-0413
Email: angrybeaveroutdoorsllc@gmail.com
Product or Service:

Randy Hicks
Delmar Hicks & Son Sawmill LLC
10148 Highway AM
Mountain Grove MO, 65711
Phone: (417) 259-1143
Email: randy123611@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Randy Mueller
Mueller Brothers Timber, Inc.
148 E Main Street
Old Monroe MO, 63369
Phone: (636) 665-5193
Fax: (636) 665-5812
Email: randy@muellerbros.com
Website: www.muellerbros.com
Product or Service: Bark, Blocking, Chips, Heat Treatment, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Sawdust, Veneer Logs

Randy VanWinkle
Blue Ridge Tie & Lumber
PO BOX 248
Van Buren MO, 63965
Phone: (573) 323-4143
Email: evan_vanwinkle05@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Squares

Ray McCarty
Associated Industries of Missouri
3234 West Truman Blvd
Jefferson City MO, 65109
Phone: (573) 634-2246
Fax: (573) 634-4406
Email: rmccarty@aimo.com
Product or Service: Agency/Associations/Organizations

Richard Powell
RNS Wood Products
527 CR 856A
Bunker MO, 63629
Phone: (573) 689-2850
Fax: (573) 689-2868
Email: palspuppies@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Cut Stock, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Sawdust

Rick Roark
Roark Wood Products Inc.
25920 State Hwy 34
Marble Hill MO, 63764
Phone: (573) 238-0019
Email: roadhogg57@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Bark, Cants, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Squares

Rickie Roberts
Roberts Wood Products, Inc.
1070 County Road 3770
Mountain View MO, 65548
Phone: (417) 934-0028
Fax: (417) 934-0029
Email: robertswoodproducts@gmail.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Flooring, Logging, Lumber, Brokerage, Lumber-Grade, Pallet Cut Stock, Railroad Ties, Sawdust

Ricky McBride
RAM Logging LLC
7650 Shamrock Drive
Winona MO, 65588
Phone: (573) 953-0004
Email: ramlogging@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Riley Looney
Twidwell Farms, LLC
19 Wayne 305
Lodi MO, 63950
Phone: (573) 224-3145
Fax: (573) 224-3230
Email: twidwellfarms@aol.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Sawdust, Squares, crane mats

Rob Anderson
Anderson Wood Products
349 CR 524
Ellington MO, 63638
Phone: 573-429-2153
Email: randerson@mcmo.net
Product or Service: log homes, tie, grade, pallet, cants

Robby Philliips
Tag Truck Center
3792 Highway 67 North
Poplar Bluff MO, 63901
Phone: (573) 785-0193
Fax: (573) 785-2450
Email: rphillips@tntxtruck.com
Website: www.tntxtruck.com
Product or Service: Abrasives, Chemicals/Lubricants, Hydraulic Supplies, Parts - New/Replacement, Repair Services, Truck & Tractors, Trucking Supplies

Robert J. Brundage
Brundage Environmental and Ag Law
410 Madison Street
Jefferson City MO, 65101
Phone: 573-338-5753
Email: robert@brundagelawfirm.com
Product or Service: legal services

Robert Kirby
Kirby Sawmill, Inc.
Post Office Box 231
Doniphan MO, 63935
Phone: (573) 996-5315
Fax: (573) 996-9778
Product or Service: Bark, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension

Robert Neal
Robert Neal Logging
16815 Old Hwy 60
Winona MO, 65588
Phone: 573-325-5294
Email: jennalea_04@hotmail.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Rodolfo Rest
Lumber Solutions Company Inc.
3231 Fox Squirrel Dr FL
Kissimmee FL, 34741
Phone: 904-859-7898
Email: rodolforest@gmail.com
Product or Service: charcoal

Roger Shaw, III
Shaw & Company, Inc.
542 County Road 424
Birch Tree MO, 65438
Phone: (417) 764-3701
Fax: (417) 764-3706
Email: jerasecurity@gmail.com
Product or Service: Landowner

Ron Harper
Ron Harper Logging
4410 Bethel Drive
Summersville MO, 65571
Phone: (417) 932-5311
Fax: (417) 932-5311
Email: jan.harper0@gmail.com
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Flooring, Logging, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust

Ron Jones
South Side Lumber Company, Inc.
805 Rice Road
Butler MO, 64730
Phone: (660) 679-4961
Fax: (660) 679-5079
Email: southsidelumber@gmail.com
Website: www.southsidelumberbutlermo.com
Product or Service: Buying Yard, Chips, Flooring, Furniture, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Saw Logs, Veneer

Ronald D. Berry
R.D.Berry Logging, LLC
7946 Highway MM
Hannibal MO, 63401
Phone: 573-783-9296
Email: rdberrylogging@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

Ronald Tuttle
Tuttle Logging
28721 CR 333
Eminence MO, 65466
Phone: 573-226-3771
Email: ctuttle1956@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Roy Brame
Oak Ridge Lumber & Pallet
Post Office Box 1029
Van Buren MO, 63965
Phone: (573) 945-2486
Fax: (573) 945-2186
Product or Service: Bark, Chips, Heat Treatment, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids

Russ Cobb
Tag Truck Center
307 Lynual
Sikeston MO, 63801
Phone: 573-471-7100
Email: russell.cobb@tntxtruck.com
Website: www.tntxtruck.com
Product or Service: Truck & Tractors, Trucking Supplies

Ryan Wood
Schwab Brothers Hydraulics
2365 N US HWY 19
Perry FL, 32347
Phone: 850-838-6487
Email: ryan@schwabhydraulics.com
Website: http://www.schwabbrothershydraulics.com
Product or Service: hydraulics

Samantha Marchman
2025 Beech Grove Road
Wickliffe KY, 42087
Phone: 270-936-6719
Email: samantha.marchman@ingevity.com
Product or Service: Sawdust

Scott Crigler
Crigler Timber Harvesting LLC
16546 US 160
Alton MO, 65606
Phone: (417) 331-3862
Fax: (417) 778-9938
Email: scottcrigler12@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Cants, Custom Sawing, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Slabs

Scott Hasekamp
Missouri Mulch
55 Stave Mill Road
New Florence MO, 63363
Phone: (573) 252-2520
Fax: (573) 252-2630
Email: scott.hasekamp@missourimulch.com
Website: www.missourimulch.com
Product or Service: Bark, Buying Yard, Chips, Firewood, Mulch, Sawdust

Scott Homfeldt
Freedom Products Company, Inc.
4329 Highway 50 East
Linn MO, 65051
Phone: (573) 943-2233
Email: freedomwoodproducts@gmail.com
Website: www.freedomwoodproducts.com
Product or Service: Flooring, Furniture, Furniture Parts, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Millwork & Molding

Scott Jadwin
Jadwin Lumber Company LLC
Post Office Box 40
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: (573) 729-5077
Fax: (573) 729-2745
Email: jadwinlumber@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Bark, Blocking, Chips, Flooring, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Sawdust, Slabs, Staves & Headings

Scott Tucker
Upland Timber Inc.
Post Office Box 702
Mountain View MO, 65548
Phone: (417) 934-1184
Fax: (417) 934-1186
Email: uplandtimber@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Sawdust, Slabs

Shane Brune
Contrary Creek Timber
2611 SW Contrary Creek Road
St.Joseph MO, 64504
Phone: 816-294-2651
Email: shanebrune40@gmail.com
Product or Service: custom sawing

Shannon Goosen
Goosen, Shannon
21098 Golden School Road
Cole Camp MO, 65325
Phone: 660-221-9741
Email: sgoosen21@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Shannon Jarvis
Jarvis Timber Company LLC
10899 Pelican Ridge
Potosi MO, 63664
Phone: (573) 631-7194
Email: sjarvis@jarvistimber.com
Product or Service: Logging

Shelby Jones
Jones, Shelby
1328 Vista Campo
Jefferson City MO, 65109
Phone: 573-230-9655
Email: shelby942@gmail.com
Product or Service: Forester (Professional)

Steve Bailey
Perryville Stave Company, Inc.
PO Box 328
Perryville MO, 63775
Phone: (573) 547-4540
Fax: (573) 547-5325
Email: perryvillestave@att.net
Website: www.perryvillestave.com
Product or Service: Chips, Cooperage, Mulch, Sawdust, Staves & Headings, Veneer Logs

Steve Harrison
SDH Farms
16625 County Road 4110
Rolla MO, 65401
Phone: 573-465-1500
Email: harrison65401@yahoo.com
Product or Service: diversified products

Steve Lovell
Lovell, Steve
6130 Sunny Meadow Court
Saint Louis MO, 63129
Phone: (314) 892-8839
Email: ironmee2@aol.com
Product or Service: Landowner

Steve Russell
The Mine Supply Company
85 MO-49
Viburnum MO, 65566
Phone: (573) 244-5416
Fax: (573) 244-3213
Email: expedite303@theminesupplyco.com
Website: www.purvisindustries.com
Product or Service: Chainsaws/Accessories, Circle Saws/Bandsaw Blades /Knives, Compressors, Conveyors, Forestry Supplies, Logging Supplies, Mill Supplies, Repair Services, Safety Equipment, Strapping/Banding/Packaging

Steve Stucker
Stucker Brothers, Inc.
PO Box 230
Grandin MO, 63943
Phone: 573-322-1900
Fax: 573-322-1901
Product or Service: sawmill

Susan Downey & Mike Wooten
Wooten Logging & Sawmill
35969 State Hwy Y
Excello MO, 65247
Phone: 660-346-1315
Email: snl5460@gmail.com
Product or Service: bark, chips, logging, sawdust, veneer logs

Suzie Faron
Mertens Associates, Inc.
10411 Clayton Road
St.Louis MO, 63131
Phone: 314-941-4699
Email: stl@maipallets.com
Website: http://www.maipallets.com/
Product or Service: wood packaging

Tamara James
The Daniel and Henry Company
1435 N Mount Auburn Road Ste 100
Cape Girardeau MO, 63701
Phone: 573-388-4832
Email: jamest@danielandhenry.com
Website: www.danielandhenry.com
Product or Service: Insurance

Tammy & Chris Smith
DooLittle Wood Products LLC
17501 DooLittle Outer Road
Rolla MO, 65401
Phone: 573-762-2850
Email: doolittlewoodproductsllc@gmail.com
Website: http://www.doolittlewood.com
Product or Service: sawmill, logging. grade lumber. mulch, sawdust

Terry Hicks
Terry Hicks Logging, LLC
8370 Shelby 176
Bethel MO, 63434
Phone: (660) 341-4845
Email: terry2_321@yahoo.com
Product or Service: Logging

Tim Carter
Tim & Dan Wood Stuff, Inc.
Route 1, Box 6
Ellsinore MO, 63937
Phone: (573) 322-1802
Product or Service: Logging

Tim Carter
Tim & Dan Wood Stuff, Inc.
Route 1, Box 6
Ellsinore MO, 63937
Phone: 573-322-1802
Product or Service: logging

Tim Dotson
Dotson & Son Logging, Inc.
7787 Highway AA
Higbee MO, 65257
Phone: 573-682-7600
Email: loghardtd@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Tim Holden
Holden Pallet Company, Inc.
14219 County Road 403
Dexter MO, 63841
Phone: (573) 624-4625
Fax: (573) 624-6058
Email: tim@holdenpallet.com
Product or Service: Boxes & Crates, Cants, Corrugated Boxes, Custom Sawing, Fencing, Heat Treatment, Lumber-Grade, Mulch, Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets, Sawdust, Squares, Treated Timber & Lumber

Tim Nummela
Rustic Grain
205 E Davis Street
St. Louis MO, 63111
Phone: 314-478-4503
Email: tim@rusticgrain.com
Website: www.rusticgrain.com
Product or Service: furniture & dimension

Tim Pleimann
Farrow Lumber Company
Post Office Box 547
Cairo IL, 62914
Phone: 618-734-0255
Fax: 618-734-1053
Email: tim@farrowlumber.com
Website: www.farrowlumber.com
Product or Service: Bark, Blocking, Cants, Chips, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Railroad Ties, Saw Logs, Veneer Logs

Tim Renfrow
Renfrow Logging
1543 CR 422
New Franklin MO, 65274
Phone: 573-777-2711
Email: trenfrow81@gmail.com
Product or Service: logging

Tim Sprink
International Veneer & Timber
5408 Highway A
Frohna MO, 63748
Phone: (573) 824-5644
Fax: (573) 824-5645
Email: tsprink@ivt-logs.com
Website: www.ivtlogs.com
Product or Service: Logging, Saw Logs, Veneer, Veneer Logs

Tod Kinerk
1130 South Main St
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: (573) 729-1452
Email: todkinerk@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Forester (Professional)

Todd Hamilton
Timber Charcoal Company LLC
38786 State Hwy 19
Salem MO, 65560
Phone: 573-858-3558
Email: todd@timbercharcoal.com
Website: www.timbercharcoal.com
Product or Service: charcoal

Tom Hatmaker
M-T Timber Company
12039 CR 501
Cross Timbers MO, 65634
Phone: 417-998-6810
Fax: 417-998-8409
Email: jmfarms0510@yahoo.com
Product or Service: sawmill

Tom Nowak
Now Structures, Inc.
15910 East Infantry Pass
Nevada MO, 64772
Phone: (417) 667-3022
Fax: (417) 667-5823
Email: tnowak1@trussnow.com
Website: www.trussnow.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Sawdust, Wood Trusses

Tommy Petzoldt
East Perry Lumber Company, Inc.
Post Office Box 105
Frohna MO, 63748
Phone: (573) 824-5272
Fax: (573) 824-5275
Email: tommy@eastperrylumber.com
Website: www.eastperrylumber.com
Product or Service: Cants, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Mulch, Sawdust, Veneer Logs

Tommy Somerville
Somerville Tie Company
8115 Preston Road #690
Dallas TX, 75225
Phone: 214-369-7576
Email: tommys@somcomps.com
Product or Service:

Tont Bell
T. Bell Logging
413 E. Elm Street
Huntsville MO, 65259
Phone: 660-651-6592
Email: tony_bell_78@hotmail.com
Product or Service:

Tracy Brasier
Legacy Wood Products
1050 Girdley Street
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: 417-257-2054
Fax: 417-257-1804
Email: tbrasier@legacywoodproducts.com
Website: www.legacywoodproducts.com
Product or Service: Lumber Brokerage, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension

Travis Richards
Mark Twain Forest Products Company
6026 Highway 72
Centerville MO, 63633
Phone: (573) 689-2931
Email: marktwain@mcmo.net
Website: www.marktwainforestproducts.com
Product or Service: Blocking, Custom Sawing, Flooring, Heat Treatment, Lumber Brokerage, Lumber-Dressed, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Millwork & Molding, Wood Drying

Vikki Witte
Lazy W. Pallets
3103 County Road 7160
West Plains MO, 65775
Phone: (417) 256-9584
Email: vikkiwitte@gmail.com
Website: www.lazywpallets.com
Product or Service: Pallet Cut Stock, Pallets & Skids, Recycled Pallets, Wood Drying

Vince Keeler
Mark Twain National Forest
401 Fairgrounds Road
Rolla MO, 65401
Phone: (573) 364-4621
Fax: (573) 341-7415
Email: vinci.keeler@usda.gov
Website: www.fs.usda.gov/mtnf
Product or Service: Landowner

Walker Richards
Richards Wood Products
18111 Highway 19
Steelville MO, 65565
Phone: 573-775-5801
Fax: 573-775-2007
Product or Service: sawmill, fiber & chips

Wanda Williams
WW Cedar Company LLC
34314 Highway 63 North
Vienna MO, 65582
Phone: (573) 422-6288
Fax: (573) 422-9811
Email: wwcedarcollc@yahoo.com
Website: www.wwcedarcollc.com
Product or Service: Cants, Mulch, Saw Logs

Warren Gerlt
Warren Gerlt Logging
Post Office Box 535
Fayette MO, 65248
Phone: 573-777-0939
Email: wgerlt@hotmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

Wes Kennon
Briar Creek Wood Products
1363 Ripley 160w-3
Doniphan MO, 63935
Phone: 573-996-8648
Email: swampmouse1@windstream.net
Product or Service: sawmill

Wes Roberts
Roberts Pallet Company, Inc.
607 County Road 500
Ellington MO, 63638
Phone: 573-663-7877
Fax: 573-663-7873
Email: palletgal6@gmail.com
Product or Service: Lumber grade, Heat Treatment, Pallet & Skids, Sawdust

William Koeberl
William Koeberl Logging
Post Office Box 101
Frohna MO, 63748
Phone: (573) 824-5449
Fax: (573) 824-5449
Email: uclsnelda@gmail.com
Product or Service: Logging

William Qian
Missouri Walnut LLC
11417 Oak Road
Neosho MO, 64850
Phone: (417) 455-0972
Fax: (417) 455-0255
Email: wqian@missouriwalnutgroup.com
Website: www.missouriwalnut.com
Product or Service: Buying Yard, Cants, Chips, Logging, Lumber-Grade, Lumber-Kiln Dried, Lumber-Rough Dimension, Mulch, Saw Logs, Slabs, Veneer, Veneer Logs

William Troyer
Troyer Wood Products
3379 Highway Y
Clark MO, 65243
Phone: 573-489-2149
Product or Service:

Zac Shepherd
American Ozark Sawmill, LLC
2754 E State Highway 76
Anderson MO, 64831
Phone: 417-845-3985
Email: zac@heritageoakllc.com
Website: www.americanozark.com
Product or Service: sawmill, cants, lumber-grade, mulch, pallet cut stock, sawdust

Zach Caudle
Tag Truck Center- Springfield
5376 W State Highway 266
Springfield MO, 65802
Phone: 417-862-7021
Email: zach.caudle@tntxtruck.com
Website: www.tntxtruck.com/locations/missouri/springfield
Product or Service: Truck & Tractors, Trucking Supplies

Zachary Shepherd
Heritage Oak LLC
137 State Hwy 37
Sarcoxie MO, 64862
Phone: 417-548-0324
Fax: 417-548-0322
Email: zac@heritageoakllc.com
Website: www.heritageoakllc.com
Product or Service: diversified products